On September 11, 2001, shortly after the terror attacks, author, radio show host, and our generation's truth-telling trailblazer, William Cooper, began his broadcast by saying:
Ladies and gentlemen, this is William Cooper, and Alan Wiener has asked me to take the, uh, take the microphone on this, . . this probably worst day in the history of the entire world. For what we're witnessing now today is most probably the herald of the, at least, the redefinition of freedom, and most probably it's death.
Cooper, obviously shaken by the sheer act of terror, had more reason to be trembling with fear than the average American because he had predicted that such an event would happen almost three months prior. Specifically, he warned that the controllers of the United States government would stage a false flag attack on American citizens and then blame it on Osama Bin Laden. "I'm telling you," said Cooper on his June 28 broadcast, "be prepared for a major attack. But it won't be Osama Bin Laden. It will be those behind the New World Order." He went on to say, "I wonder what Osama Bin Laden's targets are supposed to be? And if this doesn't materialize in the next two or three weeks, it will eventually materialize, because they haven't succeeded in getting the guns out of the hands of the American people, nor have they succeeded in taking our freedoms away. And so I can tell you with a certainty they must do something terrible."
Cooper was America's vigilant guardian before and on the day of 9/11, when a NORAD training exercise that went by the same name as "Vigilant Guardian," caused enough confusion to disable America's defenses. Even before he made his declaration of an impeding government-orchestrated attack within the United States, Cooper was considered the "most dangerous radio host in America" by then President Bill Clinton, a label just as true as when Henry Kissinger called Daniel Ellsberg the "most dangerous man in America," after he leaked the Pentagon papers. But Cooper didn't just blew the whistle once, he sounded the horn every day on his radio show "Hour of the Time," which was in his stewardship from May, 1992 until November 5th of 2001, the day of his death. His life, both on and off the radio, is littered with meaning, and serves as a reminder that not all of us were fooled on 9/11, in fact, one man exposed the machinations of the criminals in charge long before the attacks actually took place, and fervently tried to alert his countrymen. His warning will go down in history as undoubtedly heroic, legendary, mythical, and his voice will be remembered as immortal for as long as men live.
The 9/11 tragedy caused the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans, and out of those, less than 300 bodies were found intact. The most visceral memories of that day are images of rising smoke and ash from the collapse of the two towers, but what is often forgotten is that real human beings were lost, some who were recently married, and some who left behind a young family. All of them were brutally murdered in cold blood. A number of them spoke with their loved ones in their last moments, and they're recordings have been recently made available to the public in a documentary called "9/11: Phone Calls from the Towers." A listen to anyone of the calls made on that day will make you reflect on the painful urgency in their voices in a way that no film, or song will ever be able to capture. Death visited them on a beautiful, unsuspecting morning, and their families lives, and ours, have changed immeasurably forever. Listening to their last words made me realize even more how important it is for us to re-investigate the attacks, and bring the real perpetrators to justice. If we do otherwise, we will fail the victims, and humanity, and in our failure, we will leave open this painful chapter in history until a darker ending is written, an ending too terrifying to imagine.
"Nothing is at last sacred," wrote Emerson in his essay Self-Reliance, "but the integrity of your own mind." Former Canadian diplomat and Professor Peter Dale Scott must have accepted Emerson's truism early in his life, for he remains a critical voice in academia, and his work has been integral to the public understanding of what really happened on 9/11, and why it happened. His thoughts on the subject of 9/11 and other disconcerting events in recent memory are very illuminating, he ties the 9/11 cover-up to previous acts of cover-ups by the US government, and argues that America is currently under a permanent state of emergency, in which the members of Congress are disallowed from finding out, among other things, COG plans, which were first established during Reagan's era. In a talk he delivered on January 30, 2010 at an anti-war conference in MIT called "9/11, Deep Events, and the Curtailment of US Freedoms," Professor Scott said:
I do not know the truth of what happened on 9/11. I do know for a certainty that there has been a cover-up of 9/11; and also, what the 9/11 Commission itself admits, that there has been high-level governmental lying about what happened, and what didn’t happen, on that day. It became clear to me early on that 9/11 was another in a string of what I have called “deep events” -- which I define in my forthcoming book as;
events which are systematically ignored, suppressed, or falsified in public (and even internal) government, military and intelligence documents, as well as in the mainstream media and public consciousness. Underlying them is frequently the involvement of deep forces linked to either the drug traffic or to agencies of surveillance (or to both together), whose activities are extremely difficult to discern or document.[6]
Such "deep events" define our eye-opening era. Men are not more paranoid than before, they're just more knowledgeable and outspoken about government crimes and cover-ups, thanks to the Internet, and mavericks on the radio like William Cooper.
In the immediate wake of the 9/11 Massacre, a crime of biblical proportions that is still unsolved to this day, Cooper, while on the air, told the nation in a moment of truth:
"We are truly now at this moment a nation of sheep. And ladies and gentlemen, I assure you that sheep are always led to the slaughter. But it does not have to be that way. There is tremendous power in knowledge. There is also tremendous power in secrecy. Take away that secrecy, you make sure that you're informed, and you can change things. And stop fighting with each other."
The accuracy and potency of his statements are unparalleled by anything that was said on that day, or since. The state of things suggest that the day will come when William Cooper will no longer be considered as America's lost treasure, but recognized as its indescribable hero, who refused to abandon America in her most crucial hour.
William Cooper's Prediction of 9/11 on June 28, 2001.
William Cooper's Live Broadcast on September 11, 2001. He stayed on the air for nine hours. This is part one of many.
"Like it or not, everything is changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active or abdicate. The future is in your hands." - William Cooper, October 24, 1989
I live in a nation where it ain't what's physical that fights us Now it's silent strikes from political insiders - Deacon the Villain, Cunninlynguists - "Dying Nation"
When tragedy strikes a people, it's easy to look outside for a cause to explain the sudden event. It could be an ideology, a nation, a religion, or, supposedly, a network of terror cells who will die for all three. But rarely do a people look inward, and respond to the situation out of understanding and compassion rather than fear and hatred. Today, tragedy again struck America, in Fort Hood, a military base in Texas, and the new ground zero for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The killing of soldiers on American soil is an uncommonly violent sight, it has shook even those resistant to the wars in Middle East to ask if these wars are, in fact, legitimate and necessary. But others have become even more enraged at the bloody conflicts overseas and view this unfortunate incident as the natural consequence of a destructive foreign policy. I agree with the second cast of anti-war activists. These are the costs of war. Lives are lost, and entire nations become hostage to the inflamed wrath of men. This is what suffering entails - London was under fire during WWII, but it survived. America will survive too, but not without struggle and tragedy. Overseas, two entire countries are besieged, millions have lost their homes, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, some have lost their entire families. Iraqis and Afghans have suffered much grief in this last decade, during which most Americans were presented with war as a video game.
America's destruction of homes and families in Iraq and Afghanistan is very rarely expressed by the news personalities on television, or the president, or really anybody. War, for good reason, is a silent matter in America. This blatant omission of reality by the pentagon and the propagandist media reflects the establishment's demented view that America's wars must be won without the sight of American blood, and grief, because the American people may actually feel something if they see what their complacency produces and do something about it. Such tyrannical hopes by the military and financial establishment are more than delusional, though, they are dangerous. War, if anything, means endless pain and death. And Americans are modern masters of it.
Let’s not forget that drone attacks cause the same amount of human suffering that was inflicted against soldiers stationed in Fort Hood yesterday, the only difference in this case is that judgment to kill was not made by men thousands of miles away from the scene of the crime, but by a man who was engulfed in the horror of war and decided to act out violently at the same place where he heard stories of trauma and blood. Despite never being deployed in a war zone, Nidal Malik Hasan was more battle-hardened than many military personnel. That, of course, doesn’t excuse his unforgivable actions, but it does help explain them. The sad reality to accept is that the military trains murderers. And this is true of any military. To kill for profit is their raison d'etre.The Armed Forces, like other branches of the State, is an investment. As Gunter Grass said, after discovering Döblin's novel, Walllenstein, "we're still unwilling to recognize that Hitler didn't take over industry, but that the industrialists - Wallenstein's adepts - bought themselves their Hitler," (Grass, On Writing and Politics, p. 14). Forget the misplaced sentimentality. Those who wear the uniform are not heroes, but employees of a war machine owned by ungodly oligarchs, whose job is to kill, destroy, and take the lives of anyone deemed the enemy by the bosses.
In our blindness, we have brought ourselves as close to perfection as is possible for human beings: we obliterate and distort the past, we render ourselves incapable of grasping the present, and we blindly plunge into an increasingly desolate future, with all our cognitive abilities rendered permanently disabled.
Further on, Silber adds:
Cho was a detestable, sickening amateur. The governing class of the United States, together with its military of unprecedented strength, are professional killers.
There are hundreds of Hasans in military uniform overseas, and they inflict the same horror on innocent victims in Iraq and Afghanistan. I will again say what needs to be said; these men and women in uniform who are deployed in war zones are not heroes, despite their personal bravery and honor, but killers for the United States oligarchy. That is a simple fact. They are not defending our lives; our liberties, or our values. If my country was invaded tomorrow by an invading army, then I would physically fight and not wait for the military to defend my family, friends, and country. Modern armies do not defend the people, but enslave them.
If I knew my life was in jeopardy from an approaching enemy, I would not depend on men in uniform to protect me, because that is not their job. In a perfect world, these armies would be destroyed. They are not needed for the defense of nations. Citizens of nations, when threatened by foreign intrusion, must, according to natural duty, take up arms and defeat the enemy. And no such enemy has existed since the Nazis. Al Qaeda does not have a navy ship in the banks of Newfoundland. If they did, I would not be writing right now but fighting.
The real enemies modern civilization faces are the hidden manipulators of our various governments, and their desire to implement a world dictatorship is far more threatening than any wish the Muslim genie may have at this moment in history. The corporate system in America has bred a plutocracy, a generation of psychopathic fascists, whose wealth and power rivals the kings and ruling families of the feudal period. These individuals are hell bent on destroying the last vestiges of the country's sacred document, the Constitution, which demands that the government upholds the God-given rights of the people, or else be abolished.
At one time America attracted the eyes of the world for her self-reliance and dedication to do good for her citizens. Today, the country is more like a volcano than a city, and the hill is held up by layers of human carcasses. As Paul Craig Roberts wrote more than two years ago:
The eyes of all peoples are still upon us, only for different reasons. Whom will we attack next? When will we be bankrupt? What good is the American consumer market when the mass of the people are employed in third world jobs? How much longer will those trillions of dollars held by foreign governments be worth anything? How long before Americans will be knocking on European doors claiming political asylum.
Once the purpose of America's mission was forsaken, it was certain that the land of the free would become the absolute antithesis of its founding image. No longer a safe haven for dreamers, the United States today is the home of horror, a nation led by mass murderers living out a Wes Craven script. America's grand promise of liberty was only great because it was born in act of revolution against corrupt tyrants. We admire Jefferson and Washington equally, one without the other is unimaginable. The people of America have aspired to moral heights while at the same time committing cruel acts against their own countrymen, whose color signified an invisible barrier to progress, a barrier that was more devastating in nature than any wall. And if the country has delivered on any of her promises, it is only due to the courage and intelligence of her enlightened citizens, and their uncompromising resistance to the policies of their government during their day. But those moments of resistance were rare. For the most part, America has been a quiet nation.
This promise was, at bottom, a promise against power, made by a political class of men who were inspired by the ancients to re-imagine the ideal of human perfection, and whose intelligence and seriousness far exceeded the challenges of their time. Jefferson, with a swoosh of a pen, affirmed to the whole world that humankind is destined for freedom and the good life, and that America would fulfill this living promise as long as its people kept in agreement with their government. If he were alive today, he would have no words to write on the massive transformations that have taken place.
Washington, too, would be dazzled, for he understood, above all, that power is greedy and brings countries to ruin if it is not put in constant check. It is doubtful that we will ever put the State in checkmate, all the lessons we can draw from history tells us one thing; power conspires to the point of defeat, but once defeated, quickly forgets, and begins to conspire all over again. Jefferson wasn't trying to be a romantic when he suggested a new revolution for every coming generation.
All Americans, of whatever ability or heritage, understand the inherent goodness of this promise; the current puppet in chief sealed his election by identifying himself with it, and the military's growth is predicated on protecting it. And when this promise is spoken, as it has by poets, pastors, and presidents, it has the ability of transforming men into saints, and the future into a shared reality. It is because of this promise that no other people in the modern world have shaped history as much as Americans, and in this sense they can be compared to the Greeks, though, unlike their ancient predecessors Americans are severely lacking in a tragic sensibility.
What is required in our own dangerous times is not an entirely new political philosophy, but simply a redeclaration of independence, as well as a little bit of guts. And some blood, if necessary. Jefferson's words will guide us still, but it will be our neighbors and friends who will inspire us to do good and fight, which in my eyes, are one and the same. We may even need to put aside Jefferson's words and invent new images and promises to serve us in the trials approaching ahead. And while only the dead truly inhabit the shinning city on the hill, it is also our living fate to try and make that city come to life on Earth's ground, which is no less sacred. Before we reach that pedestal, however, we must reflect on our failure to move on from historical tragedies and accept change, especially on an individual level, and on this point I am as much a coward as any other man there is. Change takes a lifetime to accept, that is clear, even for the greatest minds like Goethe, who had to conceive poetry in order to come to terms with the abruptness of modernity.
Goethe realized, through the study of nature, the inborn ability of Man to live out his inner voice. "Man's nature," said Goethe, speaking to Eckermann, "contains some wonderful powers, and it has something good in store for us just when we are the least hopeful." And these wonderful powers still exist in America at the end of the first decade of the twentieth-first century. For the past sixty years, that beautiful country has been tied like a dog of war to an ancient tree, and more mercilessly than other countries because of her unchanging promise that is still possible to be fulfilled, if her powers for good are unleashed.
Also, more than any other country, America embodies the figure of Goethe's Faust. What Nicholas Boyle, an English biographer of Goethe, said of "Faust: Part Two" also rings true of America's national life:
Faust makes fleeting contact with the spirit of antiquity and is inspired with a vision of Arcadian life which was once, and should still be, the true perfection of humanity. But that too he shakes off to pursue 'power and property' and to establish his own counter-image of humanity, in the contemplation of which he dies: a wholly artificial society maintaining itself only by endless collective effort under the permanent threat of mass extinction." (J. W. Von Goethe, Selected Works; From Introduction by Nicholas Boyle, li.)
America began as an agrarian wonderland for the striving and starving people of the world, inspired by former republics in history, but has since then been transformed into a totalitarian corporation that is driven to commit evil and mass misery. And its black citizens were caught in the underbelly of this trajectory from the beginning of the nation's inception. But, not all of America has joined in the pursuit of 'power and property,' many Americans throughout the nation's history have contributed to the betterment of their own society as well as others. In the middle of its transformation to tyranny, America produced some of the greatest human beings in world history. Alfred North Whitehead shared a similar appreciation for America. In his Dialogues, recorded by American journalist Lucien Price, Whitehead said of the United States:
Your diffusion of literacy and average comfort and well-being among the masses, in my opinion, is one of the major achievements in human history. In previous lands and times, even under the best conditions, the diffusion of culture was to only a small stratum at the top, never more than twenty per cent at the most. I think this extending to the multitude of at least a decent standard of living is an enormous contribution to civilization. (Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead, p. 55).
But that same country has also created the meanest elite to ever appear in human history. Whitehead acknowledged the shifty class identifications in America for this development, saying that because Americans "leave their class behind," "American democracy is creating an aristocracy." And this aristocracy has designed a plan for America that is wholly opposed to human betterment and mass liberation. An emerging crisis will put this design into complete action.
Fortunately, though, Americans are beginning to sense that the real enemy is behind the gates, preparing to destroy their country; a divinely-inspired creation to be replaced by a synthetic order of government. The New World Order has been envisioned to be a band-aid in the wings of terror and conflict. And along with it comes political, economic, and psychological slavery of the people, but that, of course, is not advertised. It is meant to be the last word for a lost world. But, all is not lost. A conscious resistance is mounting. Americans have had years to reflect on the ongoing corruption at the heart of their government, and it is only a matter of time before the irate people take back their country for good.
The countless trials and tragedies America has had to face, and the many more to come, are necessary for her citizens to realize the full potential of their country. A new direction must clearly be taken, but all the current leaders of the country are either unwilling to make this change, or are intent on suppressing it. Soon, however, the luxury of hiding behind slogans will be gone, and a new crop of leaders will emerge to propel the country forward in this time of crisis. Obama has proven to be a gutless fraud. By all estimations, he is not a free leader. What he says no longer resonates because he has shown himself to be a mannequin. Words are never enough, even poets realize that they must act if they believe in what they write. I believe America's original promise must be carried out, or else humanity will not see much progress in this century. "Woe to the race," said Ortega, "which does not stop at the crossroads before continuing on its way, which does not make a problem out of its own inner life, which does not feel the heroic necessity of justifying its destiny and of throwing light on its mission in history!" (Jose Ortega Y Gasset, Meditations on Quixote, p. 103).
Originally posted at Disquiet Reservations on February 25, 2010.
In the wake of last week's suicide attack on an IRS building in Austin, Texas by software engineer Joseph Stack, numerous media critics and establishment pundits are blaming influential documentary filmmaker and radio show host, Alex Jones, for the violent act.
An article in The Guardian called Austin, Texas: paranoid politics central by Amanda Marcotte makes the linkage between isolated acts of violence with truth-telling and data-mining that Jones is known for. As a regular listener of Alex's radio show, I can say for certain that the notion that Alex has made statements in favor of violence against government authorities and government property is completely false. Although Marcotte doesn't target Alex as the prime motivator for Stack's decision to commit what is clearly an act of terrorism, she makes the point that his informational operation in Austin is the nucleus that should be held responsible.
But what is Alex Jones doing wrong exactly? Is questioning your government a vice? Why is disbelief in government accounts of reality considered paranoia? Shouldn't we have learned by now, after the brutal oppression of human rights by governments in the last century, that distrust of authority is a healthy thing in society?
Unlike Joseph Stack, Alex Jones is not a political man. He is a vigilant truth-teller, and unfortunately for the rulers of America, a very successful one. To him, breaking political ties, even when it is against the interests of his politics, is more desirable than lying or sacrificing his integrity. When Debra Medina, a candidate for the Governor of Texas, appeared on his radio show at the beginning of her campaign he was enthusiastically supportive of her intentions and encouraged his listeners to assist her run. But after Medina made the remark that 9/11 truth and the individuals who compromise it are despicable on national television, Alex immediately held her feet to the fire for backtracking on her previous statements, a quality that many journalists lack today. A starkly political man would have let it go, being that the statements were campaign rhetoric meant for the less tolerant members of the voting public. But a man who is dedicated to liberating his countrymen from deceitful politicians, criminal interests and powerful delusions is unfriendly to all who turn their back on the truth and those who righteously demand and stand by the truth.
There is indeed much to admire in such a man. And they are few in number. Even fewer are those who combine passionate truth-telling with mighty eloquence, as Alex Jones does. But such men do not live to enjoy their fruits. As Hannah Arendt writes in her essay "Truth and Politics":
Throughout history, the truth-seekers and truthtellers have been aware of the risks of their business; as long as they did not interfere with the course of the world, they were covered with ridicule, but he who forced his fellow-citizens to take him seriously by trying to set them free from falsehood and illusion was in danger of his life: "If they could lay hands on [such a] man . . . they would kill him," Plato says in the last sentence of the cave allegory. 1
The fact that Alex is attracting all citizens, instead of just those from the left or right, is another telling sign of what he is about. The call of patriotism reaches beyond republican and democrat, liberal and conservative, and Alex is a citizen who has responded the loudest. Marcotte acknowledges his wide appeal but spins it in order to portray it as a bad thing. She says:
Jones's politics are ostensibly libertarian-conservative, but really, his ideology is paranoia. His empire sucks in rightwingers with conspiracy theories that feed the militia gun culture, but they also love conspiracy theories that appeal more to the left, such as the belief that 9/11 was an "inside job".
Marcotte and others are obviously troubled that Alex is objective about the different White House administrations and political candidates, unlike others in the mainstream media who have taken only one side of the field, such as Beck and Limbaugh. Marcotte fails to realize that truth is neither left nor right. That freedom is not republican. And that justice means putting the country above yourself and your party. Then again, how should she know? For she is not a rebel.
And what is a rebel? To Albert Camus, a rebel is a "man who says no, but whose refusal does not imply a renunciation. He is also a man who says yes, from the moment he makes his first gesture of rebellion." 2 And "with rebellion, awareness is born, " Camus writes, specifically, the awareness that all men are born free and have certain rights. And not just any act of rebellion guarantees these rights for a new generation, but a confident act of rebellion, the kind that requires battle out in the open, the kind that Joseph Stack, who cowardly attacked a building out of nowhere, was unfamiliar with. Camus points out:
Rebellion, though apparently negative, since it creates nothing, is profoundly positive in that it reveals the part of man which must always be defended. 3
Stack acted from the part of man that must always be denounced, the profane part that targets civilians, which will cement his reputation as a terrorist more so than his raunchy rhetoric will solidify him as a one-time populist polemicist. His suicide attack was not an act of rebellion, but an act of resentment, and false desperation. If he had burned himself alive in his own home, and left a note for the media and IRS explaining his wrath, he would have gained much more sympathy, but causing destruction and injuring ignorant authorities automatically discredits all his grievances.
As Camus writes, "the man who kills himself in solitude still preserves certain values since he, apparently, claims no rights over the lives of others." 4 In contrast, "the rebel's aim is to defend what he is," Camus says, and since a true rebel is peaceful and honest like Martin Luther King Jr, he must remain peaceful to the very end, or else his whole work will unwrap before the rest of the world as another episode in the violent age of humanity.
Islamic extremists, and all extremist suicide bombers, deserve no respect or be given any clout because they either have a mentality of conquest, or are still in ignorance of their true power. Stack falls in the second category. He made the mistake of letting the IRS get to him, and copied their values of destruction and robbery with his final act, which revealed a tired individual's indifference to life. Camus, again:
Resentment is always resentment against oneself. The rebel, on the contrary, from his very first step, refuses to allow anyone to touch what he is. He is fighting for the integrity of one part of his being. He does not try, primarily, to conquer, but simply to impose. 5
Stack did not impose himself by flying a plane into a building, he exposed himself. He grabbed the attention of the country by performing a weak and desperate act, whereas Alex Jones has continually used peaceful and educational means to wake up individuals from across the globe. Some falsely equate the ability of Alex Jones to impose himself in conversation and on a public street with a pure act of aggression, but it is not, it reflects the warrior's urge to defend the values of his community and all the people in it. And the reason he is able to strongly position himself is because he has chosen to stand behind an invisible shield, the truth, with all his being, which in the present political climate is a very dangerous thing to do because never before has the truth been a bigger threat to the powers that be than today.
In her essay, Arendt describes the indestructible nature of truth, and its much feared ability to stand above the crowd. She writes:
Seen from the viewpoint of politics, truth has a despotic character. It is therefore hated by tyrants, who rightly fear the competition of a coercive force they cannot monopolize, and it enjoys a rather precarious status in the eyes of governments that rest on consent and abhor coercion. Facts are beyond argument and consent, and all talk about them--all exchanges of opinion based on correct information--will contribute nothing to their establishment. Unwelcome opinion can be argued with, rejected, or compromised upon, but unwelcome facts possess an infuriating stubbornness that nothing can move except plain lies. 6
Almost a year ago I wrote, "I'm sure as Alex Jones' popularity and influence grows a bucket full of lies will be thrown at Americans about his intentions, affiliations and message by the government and corporate media." It appears that is happening with increasing frequency, except a bucket full of lies may become a bucket full of spikes. The fact that there is a rebel on the radio whose influence grows every day does not sit well with the rulers of America and the cowardly bunch who stick up for them. But nothing they throw at Alex Jones will ever stick. They can even throw sticks. And bones. And bullets. And bones infused with bullets. And still, they will cause no damage, because Alex Jones is a testament to resistance and courage. He has demonstrated that rebellion is a daily act, not a final violent deed, and surely he packs more explosive energy into one radio broadcast than anything a plane could muster.
Once America's totalitarian government is peacefully and financially reduced to a fraction of its size, and our nightmare is over, we'll have a lot of people to be thankful for, and Alex Jones is certainly at the top of the list. "No permanence, no perseverance in existence," said Arendt, "can even be conceived of without men willing to testify to what is and appears to them because it is." 7
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