Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Future State of the Union Address

Originally posted at Disquiet Reservations on January 28, 2010.

A Future State of the Union Address

Here is a what a real president would tell the American people and the world in a future State of the Union address.

Madame Speaker, Vice President Paul, members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans:

We have all struggled through a time of great deception, and have been made to witness haunting immorality by our leaders and system of government. The unforgivable crimes that were committed in the name of liberty and the American people will never be forgotten. We will do future generations of the world a great service by examining where we went wrong as a nation, and how we the people failed most of all. The popular notion that we did not know is a lackluster excuse. Self-deception played a decisive role, one that we cannot evade simply because our institutions and leaders repeatedly lied to us.

Our leaders, in the guise of defenders and patriots, exploited our tragedy and told us that we must give up our rights to save the nation from monsters abroad and barbarians at home, but the only threat to our demise came from them alone. They appealed to our worst prejudices of the other in a time of crisis, and banished reasonable debate on the important issues of the day from public light. And while the White House turned off its lights, our personal flashlights were also missing in action. We too abandoned our most cherished principles and falsely believed that this time we were being told the truth. By policing ourselves we gave our despicable leaders ample opportunity to accomplish what destroyers and oppressors throughout history have always attempted to do, mainly, position themselves beyond approach. And for a long time, they were.

True, our fall into tyranny was not marked by mass troops stamping their feet on Pennsylvania Avenue, but who can rightly deny that the clear signs of a totalitarian order were non-visible? Ask the victims of the American justice system if lawlessness was kept hidden. They will confidently tell you that they faced government charges without any protection of the law; or will show you pictures of their dead family members who were innocently killed off in a criminal aerial campaign sold as an operation against Taliban extremists. You will not be able to look away from them because facts are facts.

And the facts of our nation's crimes will continue to stare us in the face long into the future. Although it is impossible to return to September 10, 2001, or August 5, 1945, it is never too late to apologize for what we have done, and pray that the people of the world will forgive our criminal actions over the course of many years. But our compassion can not end there. We must reconcile with our past and also forgive ourselves, while still realizing that any justification for the crimes committed in our name is a cowardly denial of the truth. The truth is no doubt hard to accept, but a national recovery is not possible without complete acceptance of the truth.

To be sure, nobody possesses the whole truth. Knowing even half takes the most resilient of wills. But there are always exceptions who try harder than the rest. Individuals, empowered with the facts on the ground, can stand against the largest of armies and the cruelest systems of thought control because they can see farther than the twenty-four hour news cycle. For them no opinion is sacred. Blessed with a passion for the truth, they aim for clarity, and don't shrink from criticism or insult. The triumph of truth and reason does not rest on their shoulders, but without their constant appeal to mankind's better instincts, no progress can be made. The German philosopher Karl Jaspers communicated some of the most sublimest thoughts on the conception of existence, truth, and reality in his lectures at the German Academy of Frankfurt in 1937. Near the end of his address on truth he said:

"Reason does not set itself up here as judge, nor does it make any absolute doctrinal pronouncements; but with honesty and fairness it penetrates all reality and allows it to come to light. It does not explain anything away; it does not conceal or oversimplify."

To acknowledge that a few resourceful members in our national establishment knowingly murdered nearly 3,000 innocent citizens on September 11, 2001 in order to thrust the nation into criminal wars of aggression, and that our national media outlets masterfully participated in brainwashing the public, turns the ground on which we stand into vaporizing dust. Everything comes into question. So we must refrain from being too hard on ourselves. Living in a world where truth is defenseless against unthinking bullies and murderous liars is an alienating experience. And for a long time such a state was the case; our society was wrapped up in the abyss of unreason; the chasm between true reality and a makeshift world was daunting for any individual who was at all able to take a glimpse at the disorder without jumping back into his preconditioned ideas of the world and of historical events; it was a period of spiritual disintegration, when authority, as Jaspers understood it, came to be "a mere power in existence without enlivening all the sources of truth." But I am glad that we experienced this great unrest because our country, our people, and our world, is stronger today than at any time in history.

The German Jewish political theorist Hannah Arendt recognized the grave psychological impact that organized lying has on the individual mind and society at large, saying:
"The experience of a trembling wobbling motion of everything we rely on for our sense of direction and reality is among the most common and most vivid experiences of men under totalitarian rule."

The man who most clearly expressed in the political arena the spiritual agitation that Arendt spoke of was Dr. Paul. On May 19, 2009 he saw what had been done to his country, describing the expansive matrix of lies as an unjust nightmare, and predicted revolutionary changes to come:

"Could it all be a bad dream, or a nightmare? Is it my imagination, or have we lost our minds? It's surreal; it's just not believable. A grand absurdity; a great deception, a delusion of momentous proportions; based on preposterous notions; and on ideas whose time should never have come; simplicity grossly distorted and complicated; insanity passed off as logic; grandiose schemes built on falsehoods with the morality of Ponzi and Madoff; evil described as virtue; ignorance pawned off as wisdom; destruction and impoverishment in the name of humanitarianism; violence, the tool of change; preventive wars used as the road to peace; tolerance delivered by government guns; reactionary views in the guise of progress; an empire replacing the Republic; slavery sold as liberty; excellence and virtue traded for mediocracy; socialism to save capitalism; a government out of control, unrestrained by the Constitution, the rule of law, or morality; bickering over petty politics as we collapse into chaos; the philosophy that destroys us is not even defined.

His lifelong dedication to liberty and the restoration of his country constitutes a strong legacy that we can build on for the rest of this century. He set an example to the youth of the world through his undeviating principled stand for the law, and by consistently being his country's conscience in the Congress when the time mattered. In a previous speech he gave on the house floor on June 21, 1999 called "Let liberty ring loudly," the great doctor said:

"For the sake of the future of our Republic, it is important that we are not just consistent, but correctly consistent. We must defend not just the sections of the Constitution we find popular, we must defend the entire Constitution. Most importantly, we must jealously guard the philosophy of freedom upon which it is based. If we do, the sound we will hear is that of liberty once again loudly ringing across our land."

If we had listened to Dr. Paul's judgment earlier we would not have experienced the great and immeasurable suffering that we are still learning to grapple with. It seems history must always be taught the hard way. If we look back on Dr. Paul's words now, we see a part of God trying to teach us, and point us the way. But if it takes tragedy to wake us, then so be it. We are awake now. Let us remember the voices who told us the truth, and carry on in their footsteps. I submit that we build a statue of Dr. Paul in the 9/11 memorial in Washington D.C. A statue, however, will not be enough in the long run. A deep commitment to our moral conscience and the liberty of this great country by every single breathing soul will do the late doctor a much higher honor.

Our Constitution demands that we, public servants, live up to highest ideals of the country every day we are in office. Giving respect in the form of elegant pageantry and words of appreciation is not enough, we must follow its guidelines faithfully, and adhere to its core principles that generations of Americans have fought and died for. To do anything less is
impermissible. At best it would constitute failure; at worst, treason.

If the document that is meant to restrict the growth of government is regarded as just a piece of paper by its chief dissemblers then we submit our fate as a nation not to the law of the land but to the gross activities of crooked public officials and their powerful paymasters. Our treasured way of life and the health of our republic is only possible if we vocally and painstakingly resist when our freedoms are threatened. The much lauded claim that what we lose in liberty we gain in security has once again proven to be a fatal lie. All the heartache our country and the world has underwent in these last few years would not have happened if we had remained vigilant to the task of preserving our liberties. To prevent another crisis of authority in the future we as a people must stay true to our founding principles regardless of difficult circumstances because there is nothing more desirable for the illegitimate forces that constantly seek to misdirect our energies than to help create an atmosphere where tradition is broken, and where respect for the sacrifices of previous generations is diminished.

I realize that every word penned two hundred and twenty three years ago is not definitive. What is sacred is the spirit of resistance, without which our founding document would never have been written. We must remember that the Constitution gives evidence to the strength of the Founders' convictions, but also to the imperfection of their final execution. We are blessed with their ever lasting gift - a republic based on laws - just as they were blessed by being alive at the right position and in the right moment in history. But the work of creation is never finished. In every generation new opportunities arise to perfect the original construct, and those few opportunities would not be possible if not for the daring resilience and enduring capacity of every generation that has come before.

Thomas Jefferson, the author of our conscience, believed this nation's destiny laid in the hands of its citizens. And Americans at every critical moment in our history proved Jefferson right by awakening to the sirens of justice well before their leaders. Numerous examples attest to this fact. Before Lincoln delivered the Emancipation Proclamation in the midst of the Civil War, it was a citizen and a writer, Henry David Thoreau, who gave a clear indictment of the immoral standing of the law and appealed to every individual to play a role in history by serving his inner conscience. In his prized essay "Civil Disobedience," he wrote:
"The law will never make men free; it is men who have got to make the law free." Likewise, as President Johnson was intensifying a needless war in Vietnam, it required the work and patience of an outstanding pastor, Martin Luther King Jr, to steer the nation towards a more just equilibrium. In our own time we can learn by the example of Alex Jones, another courageous voice who has stirred the conscience of our people over many years, and whose tireless efforts has allowed me to speak before you tonight.

And so, in the spirit of these men, I ask all Americans, as well as my colleagues on the floor, to take up the call of making sure that this country and this world prevails as a free resting place for all human beings who live on it.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Virtues of Non-Violent Resistance

"The military man gains the civil power in proportion as the civilian loses the military virtues." - G.K. Chesterton

The refusal to accept that we live in a very control-oriented, politically suppressed, and untruthful society is reaching the level of psychosis in a lot of people, regardless of their political orientation, economic background, or education level. Such denial is hard to understand, the problems are psychological and above my current comprehension.

To me it is clear that an unresponsive and authoritarian government is being set up deliberately in North America and Europe, and the reasons that will be given in the future for its establishment are not the real reasons. The police-state mechanisms that are being unleashed on the people have very little to do with providing indefinite security, and keeping the civil peace. If those were the goals, noble as they are, then why not create avenues whereby political and economic justice is brought into being, why not be truthful with the people about the government's role in past terrorist attacks, why not put forward real solutions for peace?

Establishing order in a community is not a difficult thing to do, all it requires is for the political leadership to be honest with the people, and that they be held to account in the same manner as everybody else if they commit a crime, or participate in a conspiracy or fraud against the public. It is really that simple. We go wrong when we abandon the rule of law.

But Western governments are not interested in solving the root problems of terrorism because their "secret-intelligence" seeds can be found at the very bottom of the modern terrorism dilemma. And that revelation will put everything on its head. Indeed, a new order will need to rise, but what kind of order will it be, and who will create it? It certainly can't be the same men who help caused the political and social crisis, or men who didn't raise their voices before it occurred.

There are those who still view the opinions that I hold as conspiracy theories. I have nothing to say to those people. I am concerned with the converted, and the committed. The loss of civil liberties in the West was a historical guess in Orwell's time, but not anymore. Today, we don't have the luxury to assume our shadowy decision-makers will reform, nor can we make guesses about our condition in ten years time. Our bleak future has already arrived. Most of us are just beginning to wake up to the apocalyptic situation. Western despotism, marked by corporate power and a glamorous Big-Brother surveillance system, is a fact of life. We must deal with it, and hopefully one day we can overturn it.

Habits of trained indifference to intimidating evidence about government-corporate corruption occurring at the highest levels must be broken. We can no longer deceive ourselves about the grave political reality inside the United States, Canada, England, and Western Europe. Freedom of speech, and the freedom to resist, are no longer allowed in any of these countries. It is as if the soldiers who fought for these countries in WWII died for absolutely nothing. Shame on us if we don't reverse the Western dictatorial police state, and maintain the legacy of those who bled and died for liberty before us.

I realize the fight for freedom will be hard, and long. I can't put faith in a single Messiah who will come down and save us from economic hardship, ecological catastrophes, political control, and psychological domination. Nor can I put faith in the majority of people to confront the troubling obstacles facing them, let alone engage in a peaceful and spiritual fight against the financial occupiers. Besides a huge societal-wide revelation that could only be described as apocalyptic and religious, the general public's ignorance will in all likelihood continue, and probably get worse as conditions in day-to-day life reach an even poorer state.

The only faith I have is in a fierce and independent minority that practices non-violent resistance, and becomes an example to the whole community. Richard B. Gregg, an American social philosopher and a student of Gandhi, wrote in the beginning of chapter eight in his most famous book, The Power of Nonviolence, "Nonviolent resistance is the key to the problem of liberty in the modern state." Gregg's thoughts and research about peaceful resistance are more timely today than it was in Martin Luther King Jr.'s time.

If the liberty of the individual and the world is to survive coming attacks, then a spiritually disciplined and peaceful minority of world citizens must organize across national boundaries, and work together to enrich the lives of each other's country, in all manners possible. We need to work towards political and economic liberty for all, specifically, the issuing of currency must become a public and national right; draconian laws must be repealed through each country's various democratic processes; anti-democratic and anti-capitalist institutions such as the World Bank, IMF, WTO must be terminated; and free economic competition must be enforced worldwide with as little state regulation as possible.

Those who stand in for the financial occupiers, from the wise-cracking elitist journalists and snobby politicians, to the brainwashed Stormtroopers, are not the enemies of the people. Whether they knowingly or unknowingly do the elite's bidding is a matter of debate, with the exception of the bottom-level enforces, who need to be educated and warned of the implications of their support for NWO-induced political repression. What these puppets need to realize is that sooner or later "We The People" will overpass them at every step. They can decide to either support the present unlawful and evil system through their actions and compliance, or resist with us. The choice is for them to make.

If you are unconvinced that a police state is upon us, then you haven't read the McCain-Lieberman "Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act." You can read it here. "A close reading of the bill," writes Marc Ambinder in The Atlantic, "suggests it would allow the U.S. military to detain U.S. citizens without trial indefinitely in the U.S. based on suspected activity." The bill is not law, yet, but with the way things are going, there is a high probability that America's fine representatives will pass it. As Stephen Lendman writes, "in a climate of fear and intimidation, everyone is potentially vulnerable to legislative lawlessness if congressional timidity lets S. 3081 pass in an election year."

We are not yet in a state of full-blown martial law, but it is coming. All the signs are leading to a 'happy dictatorship." Washington, Ottawa, and London will rule through fear and force, but also with love and kindness. Normal life will be no more. The only way a police state can be maintained is in an indefinite state of emergency, in which detention centers are filled to full capacity with political non-compliants, curfews are regularly enforced in the most sensitive areas, and everybody's daily movement are monitored by government and private authorities. How long such a state is going to last is anybody's guess.

But pursuing the strategies of propaganda, force, divide/conquer, and political demagoguery has its limits, and practicing such strategies in spite of an active and peaceful worldwide resistance movement will not work. The spirit of man is too mighty and powerful. As Napoleon said: "There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit." Napoleon's prediction has already been proven true in the cases of India's peaceful victory against the British Empire, and the achievements of the civil rights movements, so it only makes sense that a non-violent resistance campaign in our era will also be victorious.

II. An Active Commitment to Non-Violent Resistance

“The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere.” — Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, 1787

It is my feeling, as it is of many others, that tyranny grows when resistance to it falters. There are other reasons for it, of course, but it is the failure to rebel in the face of brutal terrorism and over-extension by the State gives that gives men in power the confidence to do anything under the sun. Murder. Lying. Stealing.

But as Gandhi revealed to us, violent resistance is not the only way to beat tyranny, in fact, it is the least desirable. A gun is not a symbol of defiance, it's just a tool, what is of greater important is the spirit of resistance. And both Jefferson and Gandhi were born with the same spirit of resistance.

But love of liberty is not enough. We must also sacrifice. And suffer. What I'm asking you, most of all, is to risk your life in the hope that liberty will be won peacefully. I intend to take the same path because it has shown to be the most effective and least bloody path in the historical pursuit of liberty and justice.

Will non-violence work against a hardened and equally committed United States Marine? Most definitely not. The professional military is well-noted for its discipline and execution of orders, which I have great respect for, but there are times when someone must take a risk. Will violence be done on the patient and the just? Yes. Will some peaceful resisters suffer unfair treatment at the hands of the Stormtroopers? Yes. But it's their job to "clear the area of all hostiles and non-compliant protesters," so it's not honest to hold it against them. Non-violent resisters take the oath to trade good with evil, and generosity with meanness. If I can't keep the oath at the most trying of times then I had no right to take it in the first place.

Non-violence demands of us our whole mind, body, and soul. When violence is being done to you, your spirit can't flinch. It also demands that we remain active, and focus on the ultimate goal at hand. Even soldiers aren't capable of doing this, they withdraw into their own heads in the heart of a battle, and go into a 'killer mode' where all discrepancy is removed from their actions. Minutes later, they can't register what exactly they did to defend themselves. When you are being attacked, your first reflex is to defend yourself, so it requires great awareness to keep on the track of non-violence, and not lose sight of your being, and aim.

If you fail even one time to remain non-violent, then there is a good chance that you will fail a second, third, and fourth time. I find it hard to contemplate the spiritual discipline and bodily courage that Gandhi and King each had. I respect them more than most military leaders. Gandhi couldn't have been passive even for a day when he was fighting to win rights for Indians in South Africa, and political independence for India. We have to be actively committed to non-violent resistance just like Gandhi and King were. "Passivity," writes Ken McLeod, "is insidious. It kills your mind (your attention, your intention, and your will) without you knowing it."

Although we are not yet in the same situation as France under Nazi rule, or of Japanese immigrants under American rule, anyone who dares to look can see that the road we're on leads directly towards a New-World dictatorship. The precedent of illegally arresting individuals for political behavior has already been set at the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, the SPP meeting in Montebello, Quebec, and elsewhere. Protesting global economic and political policies in any North American and European city has been essentially outlawed. Even more disturbing is that assisting protesters via social networking sites can also get you fined and arrested, which is what happened to Elliot Madison and Michael Wallschlaeger.

But such actions by our various governments shouldn't deter us to publicly express our disapproval and rage. Resistance to tyranny is what made the modern world so prosperous. Men cannot flourish as slaves. William Norman Grigg writes in his most recent article "Resistance" that submission in Russia was guaranteed for generations because the Russians failed to resist a Communist dictatorship in its early stages. It went all downhill after the first shot was fired and people fearfully laid down to the Communist thugs. According to Grigg, liberty will be but a theory in a book, and a memory in the mind, if "the right to resist," is not practiced openly. But how shall we in America, Canada, and Europe go about it? Grigg says:
Wherever possible, resistance should be peaceful. Where violence is used it must be strictly governed by the non-aggression principle. Prudence has its proper claims to make as well: The right to resist unlawful violence may not be exercised in every appropriate circumstance, but it must be recognized as valid in all cases.
Going up against overdressed men with guns is a scary thing. I don't know I can face up to my fear if such an occasion as I have described is in store for us. Will a state of martial law be publicly enacted in the future? Will Stormtroopers rule the streets? Maybe. Or maybe not. But we should be ready just in case. And if we do find ourselves one day under a military occupation, we can take solace in the words of mankind's greatest resisters. Sartre would be a good start.

"We were never more free than under the German Occupation. We had lost all our rights, above all, the right to speak; we were insulted daily and had to remain silent, we were deported, because we were workers, because we were Jews, because we were political prisoners. All around us on the walls, in the newspapers, on the screen, we met that foul and insipid image that our oppressors wanted us to accept as ourselves. Because of all of this we were free. Since the Nazi poison was seeping into our thinking, each accurate thought was a victory; since an all-powerful police was trying to force silence upon us, each word became precious as a declaration of principles, since we were hunted, each gesture had the weight of a commitment. The often frightful circumstances of our struggle enabled us finally to live, undisguised and unconcealed, that anxious, unbearable situation which is called the human predicament." - Jean-Paul Sartre

A Generation of George Washingtons

Originally posted at Disquiet Reservations on March 19, 2010.

It started with a bang, but the seventh anniversary of the Iraq War passed with a whimper. Another battlefront in the propaganda war against the American people, the health care campaign, received greater attention. Unsurprisingly, President Obama was in hyper-drive mode, acting as the pseudo Commander-in-Chief for what is largely a corporatist health care initiative. But such a reality is unlikely to last. Calls for ending the war have not subsided, many Americans are just waiting for the right opportunity to express their rage at an unresponsive Congress.

The current class of sellouts and political opportunists in Washington have repeatedly disregarded the wisdom of the founding fathers, and have tarnished what little was left of the Constitution when they got there. Through deception and propaganda, they are helping to enslave the American people in ways that King George III could not have dreamed of. Collectively, they represent the tipping point of generations of mindless, petty, greedy, and traitorous politicians. At every moment of political consequence they have put their own careers and salaries above the health and wealth of the country, and the liberties of the American people.

A great reformation of American politics is in order but these men and women would rather perform for the cameras rather than upset their influential paymasters. If they have any love for their country, there are certainly no signs of it. What do men like Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, Obama, Emanuel, and Reid, know of sacrifice and patriotism? They have the blood of soldiers on their clothes, not in their veins.
The German poet Rilke remarked that he was a little ashamed of his rebellious nature because he felt that a soldier's blood ran through his body. I think General George Washington, who once said "when we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen," would have identified with Rilke's sentiments, and many other poets and rebels probably feel the same way. I know I do.

"When You Know The Truth, The Truth Makes You A Soldier."- Gandhi

You can’t be a real soldier unless you truly know what you are fighting for, and who is your enemy. After losing 58,000 of their brothers in an immoral war, the Vietnam soldiers found out that the enemy that is determined by the government is not always the enemy of the people, and the country. Sometimes the enemy is the government. It certainly is today.

In the biography of Washington by historian Joseph Ellis, Ellis makes the point that Washington identified the British Empire as the enemy of the American colonies long before 1776. Well before the war officially began, Washington made sure that his Virginia estate was economically independent from British financial schemers and remained a self-sustaining enterprise. He was a master of his own affairs - a privilege that many of his countrymen lacked. As Ellis writes, "Washington's personal rebellion came before his military conquest of the Moneyed Empire," (p. 56).

It would be wise of us if we follow Washington's example today, and disengage from the current fiat system altogether, so in case a societal collapse does occur, we would be ready to face the challenges of food shortages, electrical meltdowns, etc. By dissociating ourselves from the Matrix that is corporate-organized society, we can develop our own systems of bartering, and currencies to trade with fellow like-minded rebel-soldiers. That way, we'll be in a much better position of surviving any prolonged crisis.

Preparing is half of the battle, the rest is guts and glory. But preparing is also only half the story. Running off into the woods is not a plan worthy of citizen-soldiers. The heart of Washington D.C. must be preserved for us to live happy lives, and to make that possible, we must alter or abolish the current treasonous totalitarian police state that masquerades itself as a democracy. A new generation of political and military leaders must arise to re-institute justice and a level of decency in politics that is missing today.

The new generation, consisting of new George Washingtons, Thomas Jeffersons, Patrick Henrys, Thomas Paines, and James Madisons should be called the "Preservation Generation," because it is this generation's duty to preserve the Constitution, and the Republic that the Founders created. If liberty does not survive, then we will let down our ancestors, and our grandchildren. Failing to recover America's laws and liberties is not an option. It must be done. The people's sanity rests on America being a free country.

Two and a half months ago, Alex Jones did a memorable tribute to George Washington and the principles he fought for. Alex commented on the perseverance of Washington, which was a big reason why America was victorious, and his wisdom to refuse the crown when he was in office, a decision that changed the course of history. Americans are lucky to have had a leader like Washington early in the country's development. Such a heroic example is gravely needed today. We must first, however, "Rediscover the spirit of 76," as Alex says.

But why must there be more than one George Washington to lead the fight? Because we have to do battle on many different battlefields, and our problems are a hundred times more difficult than what the founding generation faced, so it will require at least a hundred George Washingtons to save America, Canada, and the rest of the world from total tyranny. And where will they come from? Anywhere. They could come from the suburbs of Atlanta, Austin, New York, Portland, Calgary, or the current death-traps in the Middle East that are mistakenly called battlefields in the War on Terror.

The skills, expertise, and prestige of the brave men and women who are currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan are needed in the United States, where liberty is in dire straits. These war veterans are proven patriotic fighters, but they also have a responsibility to be citizens and being an American citizen today means withdrawing your support from the tyrannical federal government in Washington D.C.

The US military, unlike the Congress and the White House, has retained the kind of authority in the minds of the people that still commands respect, and that authority should be used wisely and conservatively in a period of national crisis. At the end of the day, the government must fall under the weight of the people, and civilian authority, but the military has a role in any national crisis, it is its job to assist Americans and keep the country free from danger and despotism. That of course will not be possible unless a sufficient amount of soldiers wake up to the reality of the situation and withdraw their obedience to the totalitarian police state.

Unlike politicians, soldiers don't need to be reminded whose interests they serve, they have fought, bled, and died for their country, and its liberties. Whether or not America's present wars are international crimes does not apply to the commitment that the Armed Forces made to protecting the Constitution and the country, because American soldiers have fought under the assumption that United States was attacked by Arab terrorists. Of course, that assumption is not true, and is no longer believed in by millions of people in America and in the world. A great number of people have accurately identified the real perpetrators of 9/11, and America's enemies, and most of them are still in control of the United States government, media and economy, a fact that has not went unnoticed by some intelligent military minds.

But just in case American soldiers do need a reminder of their allegiance, the Oath Keepers organization is providing a good platform for active and former soldiers, as well as police officers, to retake their oath to the Constitution. Citizens should also take the oath, because Americans must be united to defeat tyranny. And it is an oath that must be kept. The "Preservation Generation" can not let down humanity and history.

"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens,) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove, that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government. But that jealousy, to be useful, must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defence against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation, and excessive dislike of another, cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots, who may resist the intrigues of the favorite, are liable to become suspected and odious; while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests." - George Washington, Excerpt from his Farewell Address.